K Family | Forest Lakes Photography Family Session

It was a hot, hot summer.ย  And the hot hot weather kept creeping further into September.ย  So even though Allison & I worked to schedule a family session starting in early August, it wasn’t until a month later that we could get together to do it!ย  First, it was just way too hot!ย  No one wants to get all dressed up in their pretty clothes to walk down to a location near a lake and get eaten alive by mosquitoes.ย  ๐Ÿ˜‰

So we waited.

And waited.

Then, the weather started cooling down! Ah, but it was going to rain.ย  So we waited.ย  Again.

Then, I caught a horrible cold that gave me a sore throat for 2 weeks.ย  So we waited.ย  Yet again.

But finally on a beautiful, if a bit cloudy, September evening, the crew came out to me for their session!

Meet Phillip, Allison, and their awesome daughter Walker:

This is the first family session I’ve done near the studio, and I am excited about the fall colors that are going to pop out in another month.ย  But in the meantime, the wildflowers are still blooming, and the trees are a lovely green, and the ducks our out on the lake (making it a fun adventure for Walker and other kids!).

Thanks to Allison and her family for coming out to us!

If you are interested in a fall family session, please contact us soon to see about scheduling a date.ย  We take a very limited amount of fall sessions, but would love to hear from you!




