21 Days New | Crozet Newborn Photography

Sandra called me with the opening line, “poor second child!”ย  She had wanted to get newborn photos, but her newborn son, Alex, was already a couple weeks old.ย  With a 2 year old already, time had gotten away from the family, but photos to commemorate Alex were very important to them.

I told her, no worries!ย  It’s never too late to get photos taken of your baby!ย  I had some time in my schedule the following week, and pulled together some lovely wraps and props to go take photos of Alex, and his newly minted big brother, Ethan.

Crozet Newborn Photography

Now, “ideally”, it’s best to plan for a newborn shoot before the baby is born.ย  But sometimes that’s not possible (in the case of a newly adopted baby who couldn’t come home with her parents until a few weeks old, which was another recent session), a baby might stay in the NICU for awhile after birth, or life just gets away from us with our busy schedules!ย  Because of this, I do have a special “Petite” session for babies under 3 months of age, which is sans props and the sleepy baby poses, and instead we use some wraps for cohesion, and grab a family and/or sibling shot or two mixed with the new baby, generally awake!

However, Sandra and I agreed, I can still give the sleepy baby shots a try at 3 weeks old, which is pretty much the limit for these types of poses.ย  After 3 weeks, our newborns aren’t quite as “new”, and their legs don’t bend up as close, and they are so much more awake and alert!ย  Luckily, Alex was right on that threshold, and with a bit more work and rocking and soothing, he was down for the count.

Crozet Newborn Photography

Crozet Newborn Photography

And of course, it was important to get a few with proud big brother Ethan.Crozet Newborn Photography

We kept the color simple and classic, with blues, grays, and browns.Crozet Newborn Photography

As you can see, even at 21 days, Alex didn’t want to curl up too tight like a few day old newborn…already growing so fast, he’s stretching out and ready to take on the world!

Well, maybe after one more nap!Crozet Newborn Photography

Crozet Newborn Photography

Such a sweetie!Crozet Newborn Photography

I am so happy Sandra contacted me to capture these images for her.ย  Even a few weeks old, Alex is changing so fast, you need to get pictures of these details, because he’ll look so different in just another few weeks.Crozet Newborn Photography

Lots of details to capture…Crozet Newborn Photography

…and remember.Crozet Newborn Photography

Congratulations to the family on their new addition!Crozet Newborn Photography

And welcome to the world, Alex!