3 Month Crozet Baby Girl | Crozet, Virginia

It is always so incredible to see the difference in a baby in just 3 months time.ย  From a sweet, curly newborn, who is happy cuddled up in her parents’ arms, to this little bundle, wide awake and taking in all the world around her.ย  I am always amazed at how much changes in so little time, and am honored to capture some of these moments.ย  Juliana was a Christmas-time newborn I photographed at just a week old.ย  She was plenty happy, very sleepy, and busy growing.

Into THIS little girl!

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Juliana is an exceptionally strong 3 month old!ย  All that sleeping & eating, well, it paid off in strength.ย  Most 3 month olds don’t quite push up or hold themselves up so easily (although, the image below is a composite, Juliana’s mom Melissa was actually in the photo, too, holding her up in the basket):Crozet Baby

That’s called “Photoshop Magic”.ย  ๐Ÿ˜‰ย  I’m a stickler for safety, and a 3 month old has just enough movement, weight, and strength to knock over a basket with them in it!ย  So definitely no unattended babies in my photoshoots.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚Crozet Baby

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And the expressions on a 3 month old are a lot of fun.ย  Lots of talking, lots of confused looks (“who IS this woman talking to me??).ย  But so much fun!Crozet Baby

Some think 3 month olds are hard to photograph…they are a bit limited in how much they can do since they are still learning how to use their little bodies.ย  But I think 3-4 months is a great age for a photoshoot…the amount of change from newborn to 3 months is HUGE and almost unfathomable, until you see pictures of them side by side.ย  If you are a parent, you know how it is…you may not see the change because you are with them on a daily basis.ย  But that is where a photo session comes in handy…it’s the only way to freeze that moment in time and look back and see just how tiny they were.ย  Or, how big they are now in comparison!ย  Then…just wait another 3 months and see the differences then!

So yes, 3 month olds can be hard to photograph a lot of variety, but their expressions alone are worth it!ย  And, yes, it is a challenge to get a smile out of a young one, but that’s where Mommy comes in!

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I’d say her eyes quite literally sparkle when she sees her mom, and I don’t think that is totally due to my lighting.ย  ๐Ÿ˜‰ย  Okay, maybe a little, but Juliana was always happy to smile for her mommy!

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AND smile for me a bit, too!ย  ๐Ÿ˜‰ย  Juliana was a great model at 3 months of age, just as she was as a newborn.Crozet BabyCrozet Baby

Another plus to the 3 month photoshoot?ย  Clothes!ย  Clothes look pretty ill-fitting on most newborns (hence why my style revolves around more simple wraps and accents on a little newborn), but are ADORABLE on a baby.ย  A great opportunity to get photos of all those cute outfits they’ll wear…uh…probably two times, before they outgrow them.ย  ๐Ÿ˜‰Crozet Baby

Stay tuned for Juliana’s next photoshoot…6 months!ย  A fun age…I can’t wait!

Thank you to the K family for letting me watch her grow with you!