Preterm Newborn

Little Drew ended up coming a bit earlier than his scheduled release date.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚ย  He wasn’t premature by any stretch, but a bit preterm, being just shy of 37 weeks.ย  However, he was healthy as can be, and I was excited to meet him in all his 5 pound 7 oz glory!

At 8 days old, he was a little tiny peanut.

preterm newborn

preterm newborn

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If you find that you have a preterm newborn, please do not hesitate to still schedule your newborn photoshoot!ย  You have the option of either waiting until their actual due date, but the 5-10 day “rule” still stands…a preterm or full-term newborn photo session is best scheduled within the first 5-10 days of life…they are sleepiest at that time, and also still have a lot of bend in their bodies, as they love to be curled up just as they were in the womb.

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However, if you are at all worried about the health of your preterm baby, then you still have that window in which to schedule a bit later.ย  You can wait until closer to their due date, and even stick to the 10 day window after that!ย  What is always most important is the health of your baby.ย  Drew had no troubles and was allowed to leave the hospital very soon after birth, and she was very happy to have these images to keep.ย  If you think they change a lot within the first month, you ain’t seen nothing yet when seeing a preterm baby after just a few weeks.ย  Being so little, Drew didn’t quite have much pudge as your full-term squishy newborn, but his features were so defined and delicate.

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His nursery is out of this world with details…his mom (and her mom) actually sewed the curtains, and created all the artwork!ย  And well, the light fixtures are just stunning!

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preterm newborn

Here is a great shot with his mom, to show how absolutely tiny he is!

preterm newborn

Congratulations to the M. Family and their handsome new addition!