Levi, 10 days | Virginia Tech Newborn

Meet Levi!

Virginia Tech Newborn

10 days old, and already a Hokie Fan!Virginia Tech Newborn

Levi’s parents are huge Virginia Tech fans (and I’ll admit, I’m a bit of one as well, as my husband went to Virginia Tech!). Virginia Tech Newborn

The last we heard of young Levi, he was still in his mom’s belly (see our maternity photoshoot here!), and his big brothers were awaiting his arrival (as were Stacey and Brian).ย  I was excited, waiting for Levi to come, so we could do his newborn photoshoot.ย  Stacey is especially crafty, and had made a few bonnets and other things, but even she admitted it was easier to go on Etsy and finding a Hokie bird to use in the photoshoot (that you’ll see Levi cradling above).ย  However, it was fun following up with her on Facebook and seeing all the various things she created.ย  This woman, when she “nests”, she does it right!

Ian and Eric got a break from school to come get some images with their new baby brother.ย  It took a bit of work, but believe it or not, no headswaps or any special editing tricks to get this sweet shot of the boys together.Virginia Tech Newborn

Levi was a great sleeper, but I love to get a few awake shots when they are happy…look at those soulful eyes!Virginia Tech Newborn

And of course, the sleepy shots, and what makes me happiest:ย  grabbing that newborn dreamy smile.Virginia Tech Newborn

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Here’s an example of one of Stacey’s props…a cute bear bonnet.ย  Don’t let Levi’s expression fool you, he was just yawning!Virginia Tech Newborn

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And never forget to grab shots of those details.ย  The fingers & toes…Virginia Tech Newborn

And sweet lips.Virginia Tech Newborn

And we were lucky to have such a seasonable autumn day, to grab a few family shots outdoors.Virginia Tech Newborn

Congratulations to the D family on their 3rd boy, and welcome to the world, Levi!